Adolescents and Social Media | Psychology Today South Africa

With cellphones and widespread internet access, social media is now pervasive in teenagers’ lives. For the past five years, social media platforms (SMPs) are ubiquitous ways for adolescents to interact with others.

According to a recent Surgeon General’s report, adolescent mental health problems are getting worse. The rate of mental health problems for U.S. teens has gone up over the last decade.(1) Suicide rates, threats of violence at schools, and social pressures are all increasing for our teens. Teen emergency room admissions for suicide are up.(2) Many factors produce teen depression. One interesting correlate from a Mayo Clinic study showed that teens with greater emotional investment in social media had higher levels of anxiety and depression. Studies suggest that the amount of teen use of social media is linked with loneliness, self-harm, and feelings of inadequacy.(3)

Today’s teens grew up as digital natives. With the proliferation of social media, there are more opportunities for young people to encounter problems. A Pew survey found that 97% of U.S. adolescents use social media platforms—and about half are online almost continuously.(4) Teens quickly find out about the risks of social media. The survey showed that many teens report experiencing negative behavior online, including name-calling, cyber-bullying, false rumors, unsolicited explicit images, stalking, and physical threats. Participating in the ever-present SMPs also exposes teens to prejudiced attitudes, and mean or judgmental comments. This online social commentary may trigger some teens into a downward spiral.(5)

While many overall factors interact to produce mental health problems, much attention is now focused on teenage use of social media as a possible culprit. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, school disruptions, and other social problems, it is important not to over-blame SMPs as the primary factor undermining teen mental health. Yet SMPs have not sufficiently reduced risks to young users in balance with their feverish attempts to attract them to their platforms. Parental controls may help—but better educational strategies are needed.

Why are SMPs seen as a catalyst for teen dysfunction? Adolescents are highly tuned in to peer opinions, and social media platforms enable “likes” and comments. Teens are also prone to developing a “fear of missing out” (FOMO) that drives compulsive checking of online accounts. SMPs, therefore, seem to amplify pressure on some teens as the venue for continuously seeking social validation. It is important for parents to talk with teens about the pros and cons of online interactions, how to defend themselves from negative people and messages, and how to enjoy activities that un-plug us from the online metaverse.

Parents may try to use parental controls to limit their teens’ access to SMPs. But we know that “forbidden fruit” can promote curiosity. Adults may be better served by having conversations with young people about what happens online, and discuss some mutually agreeable rules. Speaking about toxic influences and how to limit them is a great place to start.

We can all benefit by developing new digital social skills to promote more positive interactions on SMPs. Model the same behavior online as you would do in person. SMPs are driven by advertising revenue, and will continue to use algorithms to promote content that draws the most attention. Controversy and hyperbole generate the most views, and social media is a 24/7 echo chamber that amplifies inflammatory speech. There are dangers lurking in the dark undercurrents of social media.

Yet SMPs also provide positive benefits. These platforms offer adolescents a venue to express solidarity, individuality, influence, mutual support, and shared identity. Adults must find ways to help teen users experience the positive aspects of online interactions, while avoiding the risks.

We cannot blame technology for our social problems. These tools, like any other, can be used for good or mischief. Instead of waiting for SMPs to protect us by removing content, it is up to parents and educators to promote a new digital “netiquette” and consumer savvy. Let’s work on our social skills and healthy defenses to protect each other, and our teens, online.

Password: “Take the High Road.”