Coronavirus Update: Canadian kids’ information was shared by technology used for online school

Good evening, these are the top coronavirus headlines tonight:

Top headlines:

In the past seven days, there were 300 deaths from COVID-19 nationally, down 25 per cent over the same period. At least 4,520 people are being treated in hospitals and 327 are in the ICU.

Canada’s inoculation rate is 14th among countries with a population of one million or more people.

Sources: Canada data is compiled from government websites, Johns Hopkins and COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group; international data is from Johns Hopkins University.

Coronavirus explainers: Coronavirus in maps and charts • Tracking vaccine doses

COVID-19 updates from Canada and the world

Pandemic recovery

More reading

An internal investigation into U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson found widespread drinking, violations of COVID-19 restrictions and abuse of cleaning staff at Downing Street, for which he apologized on Wednesday. “I am humbled and I have learned,” he told the House of Commons. “I also want to say above all that I take full responsibility for everything that took place on my watch.”

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